Why should you read
every word of this website?

“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.�
Chinese Proverb

Every chapter is packed with wealth creating and wealth preserving information you can use. Regardless of your income or the growth of your investments, the knowledge given freely in this site is worth a great deal of money and financial security to you. Here’s why.

Economics is like gravity: defy either, you lose. With respect to economics, you lose financially. Some losses are catastrophic; but, just as damaging over time are the continuous leaks composed of excess taxes, interest paid, interest lost, fees, and certain insurance costs; plus their related economic costs. Unaddressed, the leakage compounds over time to become a lost fortune.

Yet, today’s common financial planning practices blatantly defy sound economics on three counts: they shift your economic power to the financial industry; they create direct and indirect costs that destroy rate of return; and, they do not account for negative economic effects. The result is unseen and unnecessary costs to an individual or a business. You will see that for most everyone those costs compound well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars of lost wealth over time. It is a fortune lost.  

Without exception, economics is present in your every financial action, large or small -- and the effects are unavoidable. But, the ancient laws of economics are unknown or ignored in today’s personal finance, so financial drains go unrecognized -- are often never seen -- or, are wrongly accepted as normal “costs of doing business”